Web 1rupiah.blogspot.com

Thursday, August 10, 2006
posted by Dyka at 3:37 PM

Well, basically, setting up a blog means that you are creating a little space of your own on the Internet where you can make posts about anything that interests you. Of course, if you are going to be blogging on a variety of topics, the best way to make money with it would be to have different blogs for different topics otherwise your blog will be just one big jumbled mess that nobody would want to read about.

So what topics should you blog on? Well, I would suggest blogging about your own interests or favourite hobbies. There are always people out there who could learn from your specific experience.

Let's say for instance your favourite passion is your love for dogs. You could blog about anything pertaining to dogs. Do you know how to potty train a dog in a week? Lots of people would love to know how to get their dogs not to do their potty work inside the house :) Or do you have a recipe for a dog biscuit that your dog absolutely adores? There are lots of people who absolutely adore their dogs - I am one! And they do a lot of searches on the topics of dogs, cats, puppies, kittens etc. So why not make some money out of sharing your own knowledge to help those people? Share your tips with them and they will just love you for it!

So, how would you make money out of having a blog even if you don't have a product to sell? One word: Adsense. Adsense is a program offered by Google that pays webmasters and blog owners to display Google ads called Adwords on their sites, and if you have a blog that gets many visitors, they will click on the ads which means that you will earn money from it. To learn more about how to apply for and start using Adsense on your own site, visit : Google Ads

Some tips before you apply for the Adsense program:

1. You have to have an existing blog or an existing site.

2. Your website has to have at least 10-15 pages of relevant content. If you have a blog that you want to apply adsense to, you have to have at least 5 or more posts on your blog.

3. Your blog or site must have a clean, easy to use interface. No under construction pages or broken links, or too many animated gifs, or pop ups.

4. You don't have to have a professionally designed website or blog. The simpler your site is the better for the search engines to spider, and the better it will be for your visitors to navigate.

How to get a blog? You can either have blog that you can host at your own website, like Wordpress Wordpress is an easy to set up php script that is free for download.

Alternatively, you could use any of the free blog services like: Blogger to set up a blog that will be hosted on their server.

So to recap: Select a topic that you would like to blog about, set up a blog, make a couple of posts a day on your blog, wait about 5 days, then apply for the Google Adsense program.

Once you have been approved for Adsense, you should submit your blog or website to the major search engines. If you don't know the major search engines, do a search for "free website submission". You will find that there are a lot of sites that will allow you to use their services for free to submit your site or blog to various search engines.

Their are various blog directories that you should also list your blog with. Once again, do a search for blog directories, and submit your site to all the the ones that you can find.

Tell others about your blog, your family and friends etc. Ask them to tell others about your blog. That way you will start getting instant traffic. Just a word of caution: do NOT ask family and friends to click on your adsense ads, and under no circumstances should you click on any of the ads yourself - that is a sure fire way of getting banned by Google and you will have lost a valuable income source!

Now that you know how to start your own blog, you have no excuse not to make money online! Happy blogging!

Article Source: EzineArticles

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Sunday, August 06, 2006
posted by Dyka at 2:11 PM

It's a lot easier to gain -- and keep -- wealth by building it at a measured pace. Here are some simple ways of doing so

Feeling in a big rush to get wealthy? That's understandable. As the gap between rich and poor increases, many Americans want to "keep up with the Joneses" in terms of material goods but also face pressures to get ahead in their careers, save for retirement, and set their children on the path toward success.

American society is more cutthroat than ever, and it takes not only great skill and smarts to get ahead, but often a willingness to cut corners, says David Callahan, a PhD and author of The Cheating Culture. "How do you get rich slow when you need $600,000 to buy an entry-level house in Westchester?" asks Callahan.

The truth is it's a lot easier to get rich -- and stay rich -- today by going it slow rather than latching onto a get-rich-quick scheme. Best-seller lists are clogged with books that explain in great detail how to Start Late, Finish Rich, or become The Millionaire Next Door. But much of the advice boils down to some pretty simple rules to live by. Here are five steps to slowly gaining the kind of financial security most people only dream of:

1. Live below your means
It's easier said than done when 75% of the U.S. economy is based on consumer spending and when both cultural norms and easy credit terms encourage people to buy what they want, observes Peter Cohan, an author and investor in Marlborough, Mass. But living below your means is the way to avoid unnecessary debt. Christopher Zook, chairman of CAZ Investments in Houston, recommends borrowing money only to purchase a home or fund your education.

Rule 1 also means saving a portion of your earnings. Here's an easy way to make that happen: Simply set up an automatic investing program with a mutual-fund company so that a cut of your paycheck -- let's say 10% -- is socked away each month. The key is to make it happen automatically, advises author David Bach, whose list of bestsellers includes The Automatic Millionaire.

2. Take calculated risks
To make serious money, you're going to have to take some risk. That could mean career risks -- such as starting your own business. But it might be safer -- and suit your temperament better -- to take investment risks.

Tom Taulli, co-founder of CurrentOfferings.com, says the investors he knows who are reaping the greatest rewards now are the ones who made some small investments in tiny startups and then forgot about them. "If one or two ideas hit pay dirt, that can have a huge impact on a rate of return," he says. "That's what venture-capital investing is all about."

3. Diversify your investments
By purchasing a mix of assets and holding them through market cycles, you can take enough risk to actually earn a decent return on your investments -- but won't get hurt too badly by a meltdown in a specific stock or asset class. BusinessWeek's Midyear Investment Guide offers some suggestions for alternative investments.

4. Keep your nose clean
Too many people today try to get ahead in life by cutting corners -- cheating on an exam, cooking the books, or stealing an idea from a colleague, says Callahan. Despite some recent high-profile convictions of top executives caught with their hands in the corporate till, the risk of getting caught today is still pretty low (one reason Callahan thinks corporate malfeasance is so frequent).

"The real risk is losing your soul," he says. "People think they can catch up on their values later. But cheating can be a slippery slope, and you may regret it even if it doesn't lead to big trouble."

5. Keep your eyes on the prize
Isn't it happiness, not riches, we're all really after in the end? A growing body of academic research shows that an individual's level of happiness usually doesn't improve with a rise in income.

Robert Frank, a professor at the Johnson Graduate School of Management at Cornell, explained in a spring 2004 article in Daedalus, the journal of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences, that the reason people don't get happier when they get wealthier is that they spend money on things like bigger houses and more expensive cars that don't improve their quality of life.

Instead, he suggests, Americans should use their incomes to buy "inconspicuous goods -- such as freedom from a long commute or a stressful job." It's a goal worth keeping in mind as you accumulate wealth -- the slower the better.

post by dycka_god
thanks for
Amey Stone